A Powerful Tool for Solving Many Financial Planning Problems

The Surprising Power of Life Insurance

Today’s life insurance products can generate attractive income tax-free internal rates of return on top of providing immediate liquidity to the beneficiaries at the death of the insured.

Many people think of life insurance only for its most basic use: a death benefit. Many are not aware that life insurance in their later years can solve a multitude of other problems.

High net-worth investors, Wall Street banks, and large institutions do understand that life insurance is one of the most powerful financial instruments available. There is a reason why the richest Americans own over half of the tax-free gains built up in life insurance, and why banks have over $150 billion in cash value life insurance.

Safe Landing Target

Problems We Have Solved Using Life Insurance

Income and Benefits

The most basic use of life insurance to provide income to the family in the event of a breadwinner’s death.

A properly designed life insurance policy can generate significant tax-free income.

Life insurance policies can have additional benefits and riders that provide significant valuable benefits.

Income tax-free death benefit and compelling tax-adjusted IRR can reduce risk and increase risk-adjusted return in a portfolio.

Properly designed life insurance can be used as a fixed income alternative.

Legacy Planning

Creating liquidity at the time estate taxes are due to avoid the forced sale of assets.

Fund specific inheritances to heirs otherwise not easily divisible; i.e. private business interests.

Using insurance to hedge other estate planning strategies that require time to be fully realized.

Using insurance as a guaranteed, tax-free fixed-income investment within a family’s intergenerational asset allocation.

Maximizing the effectiveness for funding charitable bequests.

Corporate and Business Solutions

Key Person Life Insurance
Executive Individual Disability Insurance

Buy Sell
Stock Redemption
Employee Stock Ownership Plans

Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation Plans
Supplemental Executive Retirement Plans
Section 162 Executive Bonus Plans
Split Dollar Arrangements

The Power of Independent Advocacy

Charles W. Rawl & Associates, LLC is a General Lines Agency for Life, Accident and Health Insurance licensed by the Texas Department of Insurance. Fixed life insurance products are offered through Charles W. Rawl & Associates. Variable life insurance products are offered only through Sunbelt Securities, Inc.

Any references to protection benefits or steady and reliable income streams on this website refer only to fixed insurance products. They do not refer, in any way, to securities or investment advisory products. Annuity and life insurance guarantees are backed by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company. Annuities are insurance products that may be subject to fees, surrender charges, and holding periods which vary by an insurance company. Annuities are not FDIC insured.

TX agency insurance license #2281491  |  TX individual insurance license #872843  |  AR insurance license #1268000

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