Allen Stanford: The Man Who Bought Cricket

Episode 6: Hurricane Season
Sept 27, 2021

Putting Clients Interests First, Whatever It Takes

There are red flags everywhere and authorities in the U.S. are under pressure to act. Both the FBI and SEC are considering their next steps, fearing this may be another Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme.

It’s a race against time with billions of dollars and livelihoods at stake.

“All we wanted to do was leave that place, get out of there, and get our clients out safe and sound.”
— Charlie Rawl
SEC Investigating Stanford Group Offshore-Bank CDs, July 3, 2008, Bloomberg

It is rare when an advisor must go this far to manage risks for their clients.

Introduction of Charlie Rawl begins at the 1:32 mark. His interview starts at the 15:48 mark.