Charlie Rawl Completed Advanced Training on New IRS Rules Including SECURE Act Regulations

Members of Ed Slott’s Master Elite IRA Advisor Group attend semiannual workshop October 24-25, 2024. The invite-only workshop offered advanced training on retirement account planning strategies, recent tax law changes, and estate planning techniques, featuring the latest updates from the nearly 300 pages of new tax rules released by the IRS in July, including the final SECURE Act regulations and SECURE 2.0 proposed regulations. “With every new law and regulation, the retirement planning landscape becomes more intricate, creating both fresh opportunities and challenges for Americans,” said Ed Slott, CPA. “These [...]

By |October 26, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

Tax Diversification is Key to Achieving a Tax Savvy Retirement Income Plan

A tax-savvy plan contains money in three tax buckets One critical outcome in your retirement income financial planning – on the journey toward a Wonderfully Rich Retirement – is for your plan to become tax savvy. It’s important to manage your taxes each year, and even more important to manage your lifelong taxes. A tax savvy retirement income plan means managing both annual and lifelong tax obligations. It contains money in each of three tax buckets: pre-tax income, such as from your 401(k) account or IRA; after-tax income, [...]

By |October 11, 2024|Categories: Articles, Smart Investing|Tags: , , |

How to Find the Retirement Strategy That Works for You

A retirement strategy designed for your needs You want a retirement strategy that’s based on your situation and designed for your needs and your comfort level, rather than relying on a one-size-fits-all approach. Feeling overwhelmed by the dizzying array of retirement advice that seems to be all around — on the internet, in your mailbox, in the news or from a neighbor or relative? Have you ever been to a seminar or met with a financial adviser and felt like you were a square peg being forced into a [...]

Whistleblowers and The Billionaire Scoundrel

The Story Within the Story A hidden tale about two whistleblowers who upended Stanford’s $7 billion Ponzi scheme and guided the SEC through the investigation to help bring down the Stanford empire. Click above to view clips from the documentary The Documentary “The Man Who Bought Cricket” is a British-made documentary featuring Allen Stanford and his attempt to dominate the world of cricket in 2008. Meanwhile, the Stanford Financial Group had been running the second largest Ponzi scheme in modern [...]

By |March 27, 2023|Categories: Articles, News|Tags: , , |
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