Whistleblowers and The Billionaire Scoundrel

The Story Within the Story A hidden tale about two whistleblowers who upended Stanford’s $7 billion Ponzi scheme and guided the SEC through the investigation to help bring down the Stanford empire. Click above to view clips from the documentary The Documentary “The Man Who Bought Cricket” is a British-made documentary featuring Allen Stanford and his attempt to dominate the world of cricket in 2008. Meanwhile, the Stanford Financial Group had been running the second largest Ponzi scheme in modern [...]

By |March 27, 2023|Categories: Articles, News|Tags: , , |

Five Banks Paid $1.6 Billion Settlement in Stanford Financial Fraud Case

Five banks have settled litigation against them brought by investors in the Stanford Financial Group. All five banks avoided facing a jury in the trial, which was set to start on February 27, 2023. Two settled in the weeks or months prior to trial. Three settled “on the courthouse steps” the day the trial was scheduled to begin. A total of $1.6 billion was agreed to be paid by the group of five banks. Toronto-Dominion Bank, HSBC Bank PLC, and Independent Bank f/k/a Bank of Houston reached settlements on [...]

By |March 1, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , |
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